Approx. 14,000 ton Grain Storage
Check out the items below or download the flyer.
Yenda Producers Co-op are selling its Grain Storage on the Yenda Site – Silos, Elevators and Shed.
The complex includes:
• 4 x 1,500 ton Flat Bottom Cyclone Silos
• 4 x 1,100 ton Flat Bottom Cyclone Silos
• 2 x Elevators and Sprouts
• 3,500 ton Grain Shed
The complex as it stands consists of:
• 2 banks of silos – the first is 3 x 1,500 ton silos with its own independent elevator system (approx. 20 years old) and secondly 1 x 1,500 t & 4 x 1,100 ton silos with its own independent elevator system (approx. 25 years old).
• 42m x 17m, 3,500 ton grain shed.
Your Expression of interest can be of any configuration you like. Whether you would like 1 silo or more, 1 or both Elevator systems, or just the grain shed – the choice is yours.
Please make special note that Yenda Producers have had quotes for the above to be done by GPA Constructions shed and grain storage. And this company will be the only company involved in the dismantling process. The quotes are as follows:
• 1,100 ton Silo – $11,264 plus gst per Silo – dismantled, cleaned and packed for transport
• 1,500 ton Silo – $11,940 plus gst per Silo – dismantled, cleaned and packed for transport
• Elevator and spouts – $11,480 plus gst each – dismantled
• Grain Shed – $22,960 plus gst – dismantled and packed for transport
(please note: most steel work is welded and will have to be cut)
So please when you put in your Expression of Interest, these costs will be on top.
Purchasers must also make their own enquiry as to the WH&S requirements on all ladders and platforms as they may not meet new standards.
GPA Constructions have also noted that when re-assembling Silos there is an option to put an extra ring to the Silo. This could give the smaller Silos an extra 120 ton and the larger ones 150 ton.
Yenda Producers would also like to make mention that the bank of 3 x 1,500 ton Silos next to the grain shed will be in use by the Co-op this season, and will not be dismantled until approximately April 2024.
For Sale by Expression of Interest
Expressions of interest: finishes 2pm Tuesday 26 September
Inspection dates:
Tuesday 5 September – strictly 1pm till 3pm
Tuesday 12 September – strictly 1pm till 3pm
Tuesday 19 September – strictly 1pm till 3pm
For more information, please contact Wayne Spencer on 0427 566 688 or wspencer@spencerandbennett.com.au

Wayne Spencer
Mobile 0427 566 688